
Roofing and sheet metal work price

Roofing and sheet metal work is a key element in the construction and reconstruction of roofs and facades. They ensure not only the aesthetic value, but mainly the functionality and protection of the building from weathering. Reliable plumbing requires experience, precision and quality materials. In the following, we will give you a detailed overview of the different types of plumbing work and their price ranges, so that you have an idea of what to expect when you decide to invest in this area.

Price for roofing and sheet metal work

Average price for the installation of gutters and rain gutters per linear metre

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18,4 £/m²

Average price Updated 10.01.2025 10:54

Other prices for roofing and sheet metal work

Sheet metal work Price 11.03.2025

Price The price shown is only for labor (handwork) without material. The price of construction works is usually final for natural persons. If the customer is a legal entity (company), the calculation of VAT is based on the agreement with the contractor, depending on whether the contractor and the customer are VAT payers or non-payers.



Installation of rain gutter and gutter hooks Účtuje sa cena na bežný meter žľabu za komplet, háky, žľab, čielka, kotlík.

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Installation of the rain gutter Účtuje sa cena komplet za bežný meter. Zvod obsahuje osadenie tŕňov do KZS (kontaktný zateplovací systém), objímok na uchytenie zvodu a kolien.

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Installation of external window sills on reinforcing strips

14,4 £


0 £

Installation and assembly of a vapor barrier

2,4 £

0 £

Roofing execution for double standing seam / standing seam roofing - sloping (gable) roof

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Roof flashing on a flat roof (around the perimeter) Na líniové vystužujúce pásy.

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Execution of a membrane waterproofing with PVC foil Fatrafol (flat roof)

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Spark test on PVC foil (flat roof) Pokiaľ sa jedná o menšiu strechu, tak je to cca 200 € a pokiaľ sa jedná o väčšiu strechu, tak sa účtuje aj na hodiny.

0,4 £

0 £

Cladding the facade, angular vertical groove system Ďalšie vyšpecifikované detaily sa účtujú individuálne.

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Sprayed foam insulation (blown Pur insulation from 20 - 25 cm) open structure Je to vysokoúčinná forma zateplenia. Používa sa hlavne na izoláciu stropu, podkrovia ale aj stien. Veľmi vhodná pre zateplenie domov s drevenou konštrukciou.

14,4 £

0 £

Sprayed foam insulation (blown Pur insulation from 30 - 35 cm) open structure

20,8 £

0 £

Sprayed closed-cell foam insulation (Tvrdá forma izolácie) Doporučujú sa k zaizolovaniu a utesneniu povrchov stropov, stien v interiéri, ale aj exteriéri. Polotvrdé penové striekané izolácie sú vhodné aj pre zateplenie priemyselných hál, taktiež sa použivajú na zateplenie krovov, zateplenie strechy, podlahy.

20 £

0 £

Application of asphalt roofing felt with flame - horizontal surface (1 layer)

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Applying asphalt membrane with a torch - vertical surface (1 layer)

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Roofing and sheet metal work and their benefits

Building protection

Protects against leakage and prolongs service life.

Savings on repairs

It reduces the risk of damage and saves costs.

Aesthetic appearance

It gives the building a neat and attractive appearance.

1. Fitting of the under eaves gutter and gutter hooks

Gutters are an important part of the roof rainwater drainage system. To work properly, they need a good fixing with gutter hooks that keep the gutter firmly in place even in strong winds or water surges. The cost of this work varies depending on the size of the roof and the type of material used. For a basic installation of guttering, expect a price from £30 per metre, while more complicated designs can reach up to £50 per metre.

2. Installation of the rainwater downspout

Rainwater downpipes ensure fast and efficient drainage of water from gutters into the drainage system. It is important that they are correctly angled and firmly fixed, otherwise they can cause water to leak over time. The price for fitting a rainwater downspout starts at £25 per metre, rising to £40 per metre if quality materials or complicated installations are used.

3. Fitting of external parapets on reinforcing strips

External sills serve as window protection and at the same time give the building an aesthetic appearance. When installing them, it is important to use reinforcing strips to ensure stability and longevity. The price of this service starts at £35 per metre for a standard window sill and can go up to £55 per metre for larger windows or special requirements.

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4. Installation of lathing under the folded roofing on the roof truss

Lathing is an essential part of preparing the roof for the installation of a folded roof covering, which ensures correct weight distribution and protection against leakage. The price of the installation of lathing under the folded roofing ranges from £20 per square metre. In the case of more complex roofs or the use of higher quality timber, the price can increase to £30 per m².

5. Installation of the counterlathing

Contralatation ensures sufficient air flow between the roof covering and the roof insulation, helping to prevent moisture and mould growth. The cost of installing counter-attacking starts at £15  per square metre and can go up to £25  per m² for more complicated roofs.

6. Fitting and installation of the vapour barrier

A vapour barrier is important to protect the roof structure from condensation, which could damage the insulation and cause leaks. A good quality vapour barrier can greatly increase the life of the roof. The cost of installing a vapour barrier ranges from £10 per square metre, for more complex installations it can be up to £15  per m².

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7. Double standing seam roofing (falc roofing) - pitched roof

Double standing seam roofing is ideal for pitched roofs that need a durable and aesthetically pleasing roof covering. This type of roofing is mainly used on historic buildings, but also on modern buildings where durability is a consideration. The price for this type of roofing ranges from £60 per m², while quality materials and special installations can increase the price up to £100 per m².

8. Attic cladding on flat roof (perimeter)

Attic cladding on a flat roof provides protection against water leakage and increases weather resistance. This type of flashings is usually demanding in terms of precision and strength of installation, so it is advisable to entrust it to professionals. The price for attic flashings starts at £50 per metre, and can go up to £80 per metre for larger roofs or the use of special materials.

9. Fabrication of the coating waterproofing of PVC Fatrafol film (flat roof)

Fatrafol PVC film is a popular material for waterproofing flat roofs. It offers excellent water and UV resistance and is ideal for a variety of climatic conditions. The price for the installation of Fatrafol PVC membrane ranges from £50 per square metre, while higher quality installations can reach up to £80 per m².

10. Laying and installation of ceramic/concrete tile roofing

Ceramic and concrete tiles are among the traditional and durable solutions for roofs. The installation of this roofing requires a professional approach and precision. The price of tile roofing installation starts at £40 per square metre, while higher quality materials or more complicated constructions can increase the price up to £60 per m².

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11. Spark test on PVC foil (flat roof)

The spark test on PVC membrane is an important step to determine if there are micro cracks or leaks in the roofing membrane. This test is especially necessary for large roof areas where it might be difficult to locate minor damage. The price for a spark test ranges from £20 per square metre.

12. Facade cladding - angled standing seam system

Cladding the façade using the angled standing seam system gives the building a modern look and high protection from the weather. This method of cladding is ideal for minimalist and industrial buildings. The price for cladding a façade with the angled groove system starts at £80 per m², while special modifications and more demanding installations can increase the price up to £120 per m².

13. Spray foam insulation (blown PUR insulation from 8 to 10 inches (20 - 25 cm)

Sprayed PUR insulation with a thickness of 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm) provides excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. This type of insulation is popular in modern buildings because of its efficiency and speed of application. The price for this thickness of insulation ranges from £25 per square metre.

14. Spray foam insulation (blown PUR insulation from 12 to 14 inches (30 - 35 cm)

A thicker layer of blown PUR insulation 12 to 14 inches (30 - 35 cm) provides a higher level of thermal protection and is suitable for buildings in areas with colder climates. The price of this service is from £35 per square metre.

Why choose plumbing work from professionals?

Investing in professionally carried out plumbing work will ensure the long-term protection of your property. Quality plumbing work minimises the risk of leaks and building damage, reducing future repair costs. In addition, plumbing experts can advise you on the best materials and techniques to suit the specific conditions of your building.

When choosing a contractor, always check their experience and look for references. Properly executed plumbing work will give you peace of mind for years to come, and its price is an investment that will pay you back in the form of a well-protected building.

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