
Wallpainting price

Painting works are an integral part of any even simple reconstruction of an apartment. They give walls and ceilings a new look and protect them from damage. In this article, we will share our knowledge and experience with painting work and help you with your renovation.

Price for wallpainting

Average price of painting works per square meter

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4,4 £/m²

Average price Updated 15.01.2025 13:11

Other prices for wallpainting

Painting work Price 11.03.2025

Price The price shown is only for labor (handwork) without material. The price of construction works is usually final for natural persons. If the customer is a legal entity (company), the calculation of VAT is based on the agreement with the contractor, depending on whether the contractor and the customer are VAT payers or non-payers.



Scraping off old paint (painting)

2,8 £

0 £

Scraping off old oil paint (paintings)

6,3 £

0 £

Penetration of walls and ceiling Penetration is a binding coating that is used before screeding, painting, leveling the floor or under tiles/tiles.

1 £

0 £

Plastering the walls

4,8 £

0 £

Plastering the ceiling

5,2 £

0 £

Painting - priming the walls (2x white paint) Calculate the area of walls and ceilings that will be painted. Primer is applied after screeding.

1,6 £

0 £

Wall painting - colored paint Calculate the area of the walls including the windows. We recommend applying the coating twice.

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LOCKEDPlease log in or register to view LOCKED items.

Painting cast iron radiators (1 rib)

2,8 £


0 £

Painting vertical chicken pipes

3,2 £


0 £

Installation of cornices - vertical edges of corners or around windows

LOCKEDPlease log in or register to view LOCKED items.


LOCKEDPlease log in or register to view LOCKED items.

Acrylation of joints

1,3 £


0 £

Other unspecified jobs in this field (Hourly wage) Works whose value cannot be determined by unit price (not listed in the price list above) are calculated at an hourly rate. If the work is non-standard, for example masonry of non-standard dimensions, painting of broken walls, etc. use the hourly rate.

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Wallpainting and their benefits

Paint at least twice

For a perfect result, paint 2x and easily 3x

Penetrate the walls

Penetration significantly improves the result of painting

Luxurious wall treatment

Higher price, but beautiful result. That's Venetian stucco

Types of painting works:

Nowadays it is no longer painted with a brush and lime, although lime is still one of the most hygienic paints - but it is not exactly easy to use. Instead of lime, a wide range of brands of paints that are relatively easy to work with are used in our homes and apartments.

 The most common painting jobs in homes are:

  • Painting walls and ceilings: the most common painting job, which involves applying paint to walls and ceilings. It is usually done at least 2 times, or 3-4 times in the case of coloured paints. This wall treatment has the lowest price
  • Wallpapering: it belongs to painting as it is the decoration of walls. An experienced painter is usually also an experienced wallpapering artist. Wallpapering requires more skill than painting, because wallpaper often does not forgive 'mistakes' and poorly applied wallpaper cannot be repaired. The only way to fix it is to tear it off and re-paste it. Wallpapering is usually a more expensive process and the wallpaper itself is worth more than the paint.
  • Masonry decorative paintings: they are very popular because they expand the possibilities of colour beyond the imagination. Painting walls with special paints such as stone wall effect paints or magnetic effect paints require experience with that type of paint, and the cost of decorative painting techniques is considerably higher than traditional wall paints.
  • Airless spraying: a modern spray gun paint application technique that is fast, efficient and achieves a smooth surface.

How much does it cost to paint an apartment?

The price of painting an apartment depends on three basic things: the size of the apartment, the scope of work, the type of paint chosen.

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Scope of painting works:

  • Just painting walls and ceilings: the cheapest option.
  • Painting walls, ceilings, radiators, doors and door frames: a more expensive but more comprehensive solution.
  • Preparatory work (crack repair, priming): increases the price, but ensures a better quality result.

Colour type

  • Dispersion paints: the cheapest, most widespread, but less durable.
  • Latex and acrylic paints: more expensive, but more resistant to abrasion and moisture.
  • Silicone paints: the most expensive, but very resistant to weathering and mould.

When to paint the apartment?

It is generally recommended to repaint the walls every 3-5 years for hygiene reasons. Some rooms require more frequent care. For example, the kitchen and children's room are more susceptible to dirt and wear, so it is advisable to refresh them with a new coat of paint every 2-3 years. The living room and bedroom, where there is less stress, will usually last 4-5 years without repainting.

The quality of the paint used also plays an important role. Better quality paints are more resistant to fading and damage and therefore will keep a fresh look for longer.

The lifestyle of the home also influences how often it needs to be repainted. In homes with children, pets or smokers, walls get dirty faster and require more frequent refreshing.

If you're a lover of change and like to freshen up the look of your home, you may want to repaint more often than recommended.

Of course, if you notice signs of wear and tear, such as faded paint, stains or cracks, it's advisable to repaint sooner, regardless of the general recommendations.

What to paint an apartment or house with?

The properties of the different types of coatings are very similar. They are non-toxic, odourless and low in volatile substances. Nowadays, all commercially sold paints are of very high quality and differ only in the details - hiding power and resistance to abrasion or washing.

In addition to the properties, they differ in price, of course. Special antibacterial or anti-allergic paints have a very high price (often 2 times higher than normal paint), but they only find real use in specialised areas such as hospitals and outpatient clinics. For an apartment or house, a commonly available paint will serve you well.

For painting walls, the following types of paints are most commonly used:

  1. Dispersion paints: they are the most widely used type of wall paint. They are water-based, fast drying, odorless and easy to apply. They can be mixed to a wide range of colors and shades. They are divided into:
    • Classic dispersion paints: suitable for ordinary rooms such as living room, bedroom or hallway. Their price ranges from £12 to £20 per gallon.
    • Washable dispersion paints: more resistant to abrasion and moisture, suitable for the kitchen, bathroom or children's room. Price ranges from £18 to £30 per gallon.
  2. Latex paints: these are similar to dispersion paints but have a higher resin content, giving them greater resistance to abrasion and washing. They are suitable for all rooms, including kitchens and bathrooms. The price ranges from £25 to £40 per gallon.
  3. Acrylic paints: they are water-based, quick-drying and easy to work with. They have good hiding power and are suitable for interior and exterior use. The price ranges from £20 to £35 per gallon.
  4. Silicone paints: they are very resistant to weathering, mould and algae. They are particularly suitable for facades and exteriors, but can also be used indoors, for example in the bathroom. The price ranges from £30 to £50 per gallon.
  5. Mineral paints (lime, silicate): they are environmentally friendly, vapour permeable and particularly suitable for historic buildings and monuments. Their price ranges from £25 to £40 per gallon.

When choosing the colour for the walls, it is important to consider:

  • Room type: choose the colour according to the purpose of the room (living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom).
  • Desired properties: consider whether you need a washable-but-non-breathable or vapour-permeable-but-non-washable or otherwise special paint.

Experienced staff of specialized stores will be happy to advise you on the choice of colour and will be able to find the most suitable solution for you in terms of price and features.


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Painting work during renovation: scrape plaster or paint directly?

The walls must be perfectly prepared before painting or wallpapering. For example, if you leave glue residue from old wallpaper on the wall, you will see it on the newly painted wall. 

So when is it necessary to scrape the walls and when is it enough to wash or just paint? Let's take a look at this, along with the painting procedure and what to look out for when doing it.

When do I need to scrape the plaster?

Scraping off old plaster is laborious, expensive and leaves dust and mess. It is not always necessary. If the plaster is in good condition and adheres well to the wall, just wash it with soapy water and treat it with a primer or primer before painting. Even if the wall is greasy, for example from children's hands, it can be washed and left to dry.

In the following cases, however, scraping the plaster is recommended, even necessary:

  • Peeling plaster: if the plaster is peeling off the wall in smaller or larger pieces, it is necessary to scrape it all off to prevent further peeling and damage to the newly applied paint.
  • Cracked plaster: cracks in the plaster can be unaesthetic and get bigger over time. In this case, it is advisable to scrape off the plaster and re-plaster the wall. This is because you can't usually cover the cracks with paint, which will crack anyway.
  • Moisture: If the plaster is damp, it must be dried and possibly treated against mould before painting. Damp plaster could cause paint to peel and mould to form.
  • Multiple coats of paint: if there are 7 or more coats of paint on the wall, it is advisable to scrape them off to achieve a smooth and even finish. If you have moved into an old apartment, we definitely recommend scraping off the plaster. You don't know what happened in the apartment before you moved in and how the owner took care of it.

How to scrape plaster

You will need the following tools to scrape off the plaster:

  • Plaster scraper For removing larger pieces of plaster.
  • Plaster scraper: For scraping smaller pieces of plaster.
  • Steel brush: for removing plaster residues from corners and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Safety goggles and gloves: for protection against dust and sharp edges of plaster.

Plaster scraping procedure:

  1. Cover the floor and furniture with foil and paper. The work will be dusty, use protective equipment and ventilate.
  2. Use a hammer to remove larger pieces of plaster.
  3. Use a plaster scraper to scrape off smaller pieces of plaster. Work at an angle so as not to cut too deeply into the wall.
  4. Use a steel brush to remove plaster residues from corners and hard-to-reach areas.
  5. Clean the wall of dust and dirt.
  6. Allow the wall to dry.

Penetration of walls before trowelling

Penetrating walls before trowelling is an important step that is often forgotten, but can have a significant impact on the quality of the final coat. Penetration has several benefits:

Penetration improves trowel adhesion: Penetration penetrates into the pores of the wall and creates a solid layer there, which improves trowel adhesion. This prevents peeling and cracking.

Penetration hardens the wall surface: Penetration hardens the wall surface and prevents it from becoming dusty. This is particularly important for old or absorbent walls.

Penetration evens out the absorbency of the wall: Penetration evens out the absorbency of the wall, preventing uneven drying of the trowel and the formation of stains.

Penetration prevents the formation of mould: Some penetrating coatings also contain fungicidal agents that prevent mould formation.

Suitability of penetration:

Penetration is not always necessary. In general, priming is appropriate in the following cases:

  • Old and absorbent walls: old and absorbent walls, such as brick or limestone, easily absorb water from the trowel, which can lead to uneven drying and staining. Penetration will help even out the absorbency of the wall and prevent these problems.
  • New plaster: new plaster should also be primed to harden the surface and prevent dusting.
  • Painted walls: if you want to trowel a painted wall, it is important to prime it beforehand to improve the adhesion of the trowel.
  • Unsuitable substrate: if the substrate is unsuitable for trowelling, e.g. plasterboard, it must be primed with a special primer before trowelling.

Choice of penetration:

There are several types of penetrating coatings available on the market. When choosing a primer, it is important to consider the type of wall and the desired effect. It is generally recommended to use water-based primers that are environmentally friendly and do not have a strong odour.

Penetration procedure:

  1. Surface preparation: before priming it is important to clean the wall of dust, dirt and grease. Remove any loose parts of the old paint or plaster.
  2. Applying the primer: Apply the primer with a brush or roller on a dry and clean wall. Apply the primer evenly, making sure to cover the entire surface of the wall.
  3. Allow the penetration to dry: The drying time of the primer depends on the type of primer used. Generally, the primer dries in 2 to 4 hours.

Penetration tips:

  • Read the instructions on the packaging before using the primer.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Wear protective gloves and goggles when working with penetrant.
  • If you are unsure about your choice of priming or the priming process, consult a professional.

By following these guidelines and using a quality primer, you will achieve optimal results when priming your walls and your home will look beautiful and tidy.

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Plastering of walls and ceilings during reconstruction

Trowelling is the application of a thin layer of a plaster-like substance. When dry, it produces a smooth, uniform surface suitable for painting. Slating walls and ceilings is an important part of the preparation before painting. It helps to smooth out unevenness, small cracks, or cover other defects in the walls - such as holes left by paintings - to achieve a smooth and professional look in the final coat.

Squeegee procedure:

  1. Surface preparation: before trowelling, it is important to thoroughly clean the wall or ceiling of dust, dirt and grease. Remove any loose parts of the old paint or plaster. If there are cracks or holes in the surface, these should be filled with putty.
  2. Applying the trowel: Before trowelling, the wall must be well penetrated. The trowel is used for trowelling and can be bought in different coarsenesses. The coarser trowel is used to smooth out larger irregularities, while the finer trowel is used for finishing touches. Use a spatula to apply the trowel to the wall or ceiling and spread it evenly.
  3. Sanding: After the trowel has been applied and dried, the surface should be sanded with sandpaper. Sanding should be done in a circular motion to achieve a smooth and even surface.
  4. Applying the second layer: if necessary, you can also apply a second layer of trowel and then sand it off.
  5. Penetration: it is important to penetrate the wall or ceiling before painting. Penetration will help to harden the surface and improve paint adhesion.

Tips for trowelling:

  • Read the instructions on the trowel packaging before trowelling.
  • Use good quality tools such as spatulas and sandpaper for sanding.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Wear safety goggles and a mask when grinding.
  • If you are unsure about the squeegee procedure, consult a professional.

Tools and materials for trowelling:

  • Trowel mass
  • Spatulas
  • Sandpaper
  • Penetration
  • Protective goggles
  • Mask

By following these guidelines and using quality tools and materials, you'll achieve professional results when troweling your walls and ceilings, and your home will look beautiful and well-groomed.

The procedure for painting walls and ceilings

Before painting, it is important to treat the wall with a primer. Priming will help improve the paint's adhesion and prevent it from scratching. Once the primer has been applied and dried, you can proceed to the actual painting.

You will need the following tools for painting:

  • Roller: for painting large areas.
  • Brush: For painting corners, edges and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Paint tray: For soaking a roller or brush.
  • Protective film and paper: to cover the floor and furniture.
  • Covering tape: for taping windows, doors and drawers.

The procedure of painting works:

  1. Cover the floor, furniture, windows, doors and drawers with foil and paper.Use masking tape to tape windows, doors and drawers. This will prevent the paint from staining surrounding objects.
  2. Pour the paint and thinner into the paint tray according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Dip the roller into the paint and lightly wring it out. You can use a grid to wring out the roller.
  4. Start painting from the corners and edges with a brush.
  5. Paint large areas with a roller. Work from top to bottom and overlap the strokes.
  6. Allow the first coat of paint to dry according to the instructions on the packaging.
  7. If necessary, apply a second coat of paint.
  8. After applying the second coat of paint, remove the masking tape.
  9. Remove the foil and paper from the floor and furniture.
  10. Wash the tools thoroughly.

Painting tips:

  • Ventilate the room well before painting.
  • Paint at room temperature and humidity.
  • Do not work in direct sunlight or in draughts. Too fast drying may cause cracking of the paint 
  • Apply the paint evenly and in thin layers.
  • Allow each coat of paint to dry thoroughly before applying the next.
  • If you are unsure about your choice of paint or the painting process, consult a professional.


  • Always read the instructions on the packaging and follow safety regulations before using any paints, thinners or other chemicals.
  • Wear safety goggles, gloves and a mask when working with paint.
  • If the paint comes into contact with eyes or skin, rinse immediately with water.

By following these guidelines, you will achieve professional results when painting your walls and your home will look beautiful and fresh.

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Painting and renovation of radiators during renovation

Painting radiators is an important part of maintaining your home. Not only does it give them a new look, but it also protects them from corrosion and prolongs their life.

Preparing the radiator for painting: it's important to prepare the radiator thoroughly before painting. This includes:

  • Switching off the radiator and letting it cool down.
  • Removal of old paint and rust. You can use a wire brush, sandpaper or chemical paint remover to do this.
  • Wipe the radiator clean of dust and dirt.
  • Application of primer on metal. The primer will help improve paint adhesion and prevent scratching.

Choosing a brush: It is important to choose the right brush for painting radiators. Synthetic brushes with short bristles are most suitable. These brushes are heat resistant and hold paint well.

Here is an overview of the types of brushes and their uses:

  • Flat brushes: suitable for painting flat areas of the radiator.
  • Radiator brushes: they have a curved shape that makes it easy to paint between the ribs of the radiator.
  • English brushes: suitable for painting details and hard-to-reach places.

Painting procedure:

  1. Pour the paint intended for painting radiators into the paint tray. Dilute the paint according to the instructions on the packaging. The dilution depends on how well the paint covers and how many m2 it will last.
  2. Dip the brush into the paint and lightly wring it out.
  3. Start painting from the corners and edges. Use a flat or radiator brush to do this.
  4. Paint large areas with a flat brush. Work from top to bottom and overlap the strokes.
  5. Paint hard-to-reach areas and details with an English brush.
  6. Allow the first coat of paint to dry according to the instructions on the packaging.
  7. If necessary, apply a second coat of paint.
  8. After applying the second coat of paint, let the radiator cool down and turn it on.

Tips for painting radiators:

  • Paint the radiator in a well-ventilated area.
  • Do not work in direct sunlight or in draughts.
  • Apply the paint evenly and in thin layers.
  • Allow each coat of paint to dry thoroughly before applying the next.
  • If you are unsure about your choice of paint or the painting process, consult a professional.

By following these tips and using the right brushes, you will achieve professional results when painting radiators and your home will look beautiful and well maintained.

Venetian stucco: a luxurious and durable wall finish

Venetian stucco, also known as stucco veneziano, is a decorative wall treatment that mimics the look of polished marble. This ancient technique was used in ancient Greece and Rome and is still popular today for its luxurious and elegant appearance.

Characteristics of Venetian stucco:

  • Durability: Venetian stucco is resistant to moisture, mildew and scratches, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.
  • Water repellency: thanks to its water repellency, Venetian stucco is also suitable for wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Easy maintenance: Venetian stucco is easy to clean and maintain.
  • Versatility: Venetian stucco is available in a wide range of paints and patterns, so you can choose the ones that suit your taste and interior design.
  • Aesthetic: Venetian stucco gives the walls a deep and luxurious look that mimics the beauty of polished marble.

The use of Venetian stucco:

Venetian stucco is most commonly used for interior wall cladding, but it can also be used on ceilings, furniture and other surfaces. It is suitable for both residential and commercial areas such as hotels, restaurants and shops.

The process of applying Venetian stucco:

Applying Venetian stucco is a difficult process that requires skill and experience. It is usually carried out by professional painters who have extensive experience with the technique. The process of applying Venetian stucco involves the following steps:

  1. Surface preparation: the surface on which the Venetian plaster is to be applied must be clean, dry and even.
  2. Applying the primer: A primer is applied to the surface to help the paint adhere better to the surface.
  3. Applying the first layer of stucco: The first layer of stucco is applied with a brush or spatula and allowed to dry.
  4. Applying the second layer of stucco: The second layer of stucco is applied with a different colour and technique than the first layer, creating a marble effect.
  5. Polishing: after the second layer of stucco has dried, the surface is polished with a smooth stone or sandpaper to achieve a glossy and smooth surface.
  6. Applying the protective layer: finally, a protective layer of wax or varnish is applied to the surface to protect the stucco from damage.

The price of Venetian stucco:

The price of Venetian stucco varies depending on the size of the area, the complexity of the design and the experience of the painter. In general, Venetian stucco is significantly more expensive than conventional paints and coatings.

Benefits of Venetian stucco:

  • Beautiful and luxurious look
  • Resistance and durability
  • Easy maintenance
  • Versatility

Disadvantages of Venetian stucco:

  • High price
  • Challenging application process
  • The need to use a professional painter 

Important: If you are thinking of applying Venetian stucco in your apartment, I recommend you contact an experienced and reliable painter who has a lot of experience in applying Venetian stucco - because of the laboriousness and high cost of the material.

What workflow you can expect from your painter

Specific painting procedures will vary depending on the type of work, the material used and the condition of the surface. In general, however, all painting work involves the following steps:

  1. Surface preparation: this stage involves cleaning the surface of dirt, dust and grease, removing old paint and levelling unevenness. So-called priming.
  2. Applying the primer: A primer or primer coat helps the paint adhere better to the surface and protects it from mold and moisture.
  3. Applying the paint: the paint is applied in two or three coats, depending on the desired coverage and effect.
  4. Finish: Once the paint has been applied, it should be allowed to dry and, if necessary, a second or third coat should be applied. The area must be kept as dust free as possible or ensure all dust and dirt work is done prior to painting.

Important factors when choosing a painter

When choosing a painter for your apartment renovation, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Experience: choose a painter with proven experience working on similar projects.
  • References: ask the painter for references from previous customers or read them on his website or Google Maps
  • Price: get quotes from multiple painters and compare them.
  • Communication: make sure you can communicate effectively with the painter and that he understands your requirements. This point is definitely more important than the price

Additional tips:

  • Make sure you have all the materials and tools you need to avoid unnecessary downtime.
  • Inspect the painter's work regularly to make sure it meets your expectations.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, contact your master painter during the work - if there has been a misunderstanding, it is easier to rectify it during the work than after it has finished

